Comprehensive examination for symptoms of thyroid gland foreign body sensation and throat

Comprehensive examination for symptoms of thyroid gland foreign body sensation and throat

Nice to meet you. I’m Yoon Jung-ah, director of Central Anti-Surgery, a place where beautiful cooperation between internal medicine and surgeons from Samsung Hospital is embodied as a one-stop system.It’s September, but it’s still hot and humid. And this summer, colds, flu, and corona have spread at the same time, which is rare, and there are many patients who come to the hospital due to respiratory diseases. However, you need to be careful because there may be digestive system problems or thyroid abnormalities when you do an accurate test. In particular, in the case of thyroid gland foreign body sensation, it can be misunderstood as inflammation caused by respiratory diseases, or it can increase the problem by knowing that it is a symptom of reflux esophagitis. This is a misunderstanding caused by the location of the thyroid gland in the throat. As such, it is important to check for accurate diseases through general medical examinations and prepare for them.

be misleading from a foreign sensation in one’s throat

There are several reasons why thyroid problems are misunderstood as symptoms of other body parts. The biggest part is the location. The thyroid gland is located in front of the neck, under the thyroid cartilage under the chin. The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland does not appear to be in normal condition and is not touched. Therefore, when you feel something like a foreign body in your throat, you first suspect the respiratory system, and if you go a little further, you become concerned about digestive system diseases. Respiratory diseases such as colds can also cause unpleasant foreign substances in the throat, and reflux esophagitis symptoms are also related to foreign substances in the throat.

As such, personal judgment will take wrong measures.It is good to check your symptoms by searching the Internet, but problems such as thyroid foreign body sensation must be identified through medical treatment through a doctor. Like most cancer diseases, thyroid cancer has few symptoms, so if you misunderstand it as another disease and take action, you can create a situation where the progress of cancer is left intact.

Thyroid hormones are normal, so you need to be more careful

The thyroid gland is a place where thyroid hormones that play an important role in regulating energy and metabolism of our body are produced and stored. Thyroid hormones are essential for fetal and adolescent growth, and they not only maintain body temperature after adulthood but also affect the regulation of emotional states. Therefore, if the amount of thyroid hormone is small and large, another disease may occur. Typical examples are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. So our body regulates the amount of thyroid hormone to maintain normal.However, thyroid cancer, which can cause symptoms such as foreign body sensation in the thyroid gland, often does not feel any problems caused by hormones because the amount of thyroid hormones is normal. Therefore, you should be able to prevent and treat thyroid cancer through regular checkups.

The most important thing is regular checkups

Our hospital always emphasizes that regular medical examinations are the only best treatment. Therefore, you can examine the thyroid gland accurately at our breast thyroid clinic and receive treatment accordingly. Thyroid gland can be safely received by ultrasound examination and thyroid microneedle cell aspiration examination. These two tests, which do not require special preparation from those subject to examination, are possible even for pregnant women without radiation exposure.However, the characteristic of thyroid tests is that doctors who are examiners must have sufficient experience and know-how to obtain sufficient results through these tests. Therefore, the examination by our hospital’s segmented breast thyroid clinic is a good choice.If you feel a foreign body sensation in the thyroid gland, you may suspect the respiratory or digestive system because it originated in your throat, but it is also recommended to have your thyroid examined. Please make sure to conduct this kind of examination through our hospital and proceed with overall management. Please feel free to consult with us anytime.If you feel a foreign body sensation in the thyroid gland, you may suspect the respiratory or digestive system because it originated in your throat, but it is also recommended to have your thyroid examined. Please make sure to conduct this kind of examination through our hospital and proceed with overall management. Please feel free to consult with us anytime.If you feel a foreign body sensation in the thyroid gland, you may suspect the respiratory or digestive system because it originated in your throat, but it is also recommended to have your thyroid examined. Please make sure to conduct this kind of examination through our hospital and proceed with overall management. Please feel free to consult with us anytime.Jungang Port Surgical Clinic 142, Anyang-ro, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-doJungang Port Surgical Clinic 142, Anyang-ro, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-doJungang Port Surgical Clinic 142, Anyang-ro, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-doJungang Port Surgical Clinic 142, Anyang-ro, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-doPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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